The first part of the line-up for this year's festival has just been announced:
Once in a while along comes a band that is ahead of the curve in such a way that you cannot work out what on earth inspired them to do what it is that they do. And as for how well they do it at a relatively youthful age, well… forget about it.….presenting the grooviest white R&B group in the world: Little Red.
There’s a great Australian tradition of small club / pub rock and roll bands. The very best of these have something wild and mercurial about them, some powerful element that takes them beyond….beyond standard, beyond their peers, beyond reasoning. When one of those bands form, then plays for a few years, then really starts hitting their straps…well, that’s something to see.
Eddy Current Suppression Ring is one of those bands.
Four people on the same wavelength, all antennae tuned fine to the fuse as it works its way inevitably towards explosion.
Your back's against the wall
There's no-one home to call
You're forgetting who you are
You can't stop crying
The Saturday Night Sea of Excitement in the Supernatural may reach a new high water mark this year.
There were attempted cartwheels, excitedly-forwarded-emails and exhortations of “I’m going out RIGHT NOW” when news of this particular band saying YES to our invitation came through.
It's part not giving in
And part trusting your friends
You’d do it all again
And I'm not lying
Live and direct from Portland Oregon, via naked magazine covers, tabloid paps and every single swinging scene worth its salt this side of Arkansas…
Ooooooooohhhhhhhh oh-oh…oh oh oh oh ooohhhhhhhh-oo-oo-oo-oooo
Cue craziness x ten hundred billion. Yes, it’s The Gossip at Meredith.
Would you like some flat-out fun with your unhinged rock n roll, madam? Care for some seriously slurred swashbucklers living out the ultimate teenage dream?
How The Black Lips manage to walk through the perfumed garden of life is a miracle of modern bullshit, but a miracle nonetheless. Their substance is real, their new album is prerequisite, and their message is disturbingly clear. Rock'n Roll is soul-stirringly powerful and unpredictable, and there's nothing more important than that. From Atlanta, Georgia, for the first time in Australia, we present to you, The Black Lips.
There’s a reason why this next guy is one of the biggest cult phenomenon (pl.) this country has ever known. It’s because he makes wonderful music, and presents it in a very pure way. No pretence, no marketing, no superfluous frills, just supreme quality propelled by word of mouth and a tenacious desire to treat the audience with total respect. He blazes his own trail. His name is Wally De Backer and he makes music in his bedroom. He is better known as Gotye. Big stage, intimate amphitheatre, sun setting. Glorious.
Ok. So now how about something that truly lives up to Meredith’s reputation for uniqueness? Things you just don’t see on the circuit? Maybe this will tick that box. Some people are about to fall off their chair. Andrew WK is coming to Meredith, for a Special Solo Performance. Who or what the artist known as Andrew WK is, is a difficult thing to put simply. At the least he is an enigmatic, somewhat conceptual, very natural, cerebral and party-rocking connoisseur of excitement. First known internationally for an album of hard rockin’ party anthems called I Get Wet, Andrew has since shown so many more facets to his artistic output. He had his own TV show (“Your Friend, Andrew WK”) where he helped viewers with their lives. He gives motivational free-form lectures. Instead of a regular tour, he recently drove a Cadillac around the US stopping each night to have a party. He played piano with Hanson (yes, Hanson) and played on TV with Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy. He had a stated desire to make simply the most exciting music he can make.
A picture tells a thousand words, sure, but sometimes a thousand words is actually required to describe what’s going on. We recommend you acquire some knowledge of Andrew WK before Meredith. Best information is here: - scroll down to the text to read his biography. Remarkable. Yes, Andrew WK is coming to Meredith. And he will be thoroughly, infectiously entertaining.
Anyone that references 90s ‘saxophone visionary’ Guru Josh is alright by us. Infinity indeed. And is just me or has Dan perfected a European, English-as-second-language accent on “Hearts on Fire”? Genius. Yes, it’s time to put your Pink Flamingoes together for a very welcome return to Meredith for Cut Copy. They have been doing what they do since back when it wasn’t fashionable, they are serious about honing and exploring their craft, and they are also serious about putting on a sensuous, terrific live show. Good people. Fantastic band. Cut/Copy. Forget Officeworks, just be at Meredith Saturday night.
Thankfully, coming from London in winter to Meredith in summer proved irresistible to Art Brut. And frankly, they proved irresistible to us. If you don’t know them, prepare yourself for some rudely honest lyrics and pogo-punk dynamics. Frontman Eddie Argos has one of the sharpest wits in the Free World, and live this band is an unfettered, energetic joy to behold. First time to Australia for this band. Wild critical acclaim from many corners of the planet, fair enough too. Saturday afternoon.
Latest clip:
The very first act to play Meredith’s sister festival, Golden Plains, was a one-man show from country Victoria. That was also that one man’s first festival performance. He was a crowd favourite. A lot has changed since then. A lot of very good things have happened. What can we say? Muscles is unreal. Ice cream is gonna save the day.
There’s a newish album called “From Beale Street to Oblivion”, and it’s a future classic. If you like 80’s synth, angular basslines and shimmering guitars, you probably won’t like it at all. If you dig heavy blues, surrealistic wordplay and about the most committed live delivery possible then perhaps you will. It’s by a band from Germantown, Maryland called Clutch. Clutch are something of a sensation for fans of a certain type of musical emotion. It will be a pretty sweet way to nod your Friday night away. By ‘nod’ I mean moving your body to a massive surging rhythm that makes you squint in intense joy and almost bang your head… with the occasional involuntary arm extended in the air. Very, very good stuff. Friday Night. Ease it into third.
Dancehall legend Junior Reid had a tough upbringing in West Kingston's Waterhouse district, notorious for being one of the most dangerous places in Jamaica, in the politically turbulent mid-'70's. He started recording from age 14, going on to be a musician and producer of world renown. His classic tune "One Blood" remains a staple for dancehall DJ's and was recently reworked for The Game's west coast anthem "It's Okay (One Blood)". You may also know Wu-Tang flipped the Junior Reid hook for their 'One Blood Under Wu' track. Sly & Robbie, Augustus Pablo and Sugar Minott championed him in his early days, recent collaborators include everyone from Lil Wayne to Buju Banton. Expect deep roots, big hooks and blazing dancehall from the one they call Junior Reid.
What is dancehall?
Here at Meredith we rate Ned Collette as one of the most sublime singer-songwriters going round (the planet). He gets a bit of attention from the media but it’s miniscule in relation to the depth and breadth of his talent. And his new bandmates add more than the sum of their parts; The Ned Collette Band also features ex-City City City-siders Ben Bourke on bass and Joe Talia on drums and keyboards. Deceptively simple songs suddenly veer left then plunge downhill then turn into spacecraft and rush through the time-space continuum with wild free barrages of guitar squall….its got a homespun honest familiarity to it courtesy of Ned’s friendly, true demeanour and intimate lyrical portraiture but MY GOD it flips your wig.. Ned’s a natural resource. Trio is a magic number.
Nothing to watch or listen to yet. It’s that new. Test-driven without badges.
As we have said before, finding new or smallish acts that we think might blow your mind is one of the most satisfying and exciting parts of creating a new Meredith each year. Because of the Meredith One-Stage-Fits-All Policy, these smallish acts play to a whole lotta people, and over the years some of the biggest hits of the festival have been these sorta bands. This year’s highly recommended time to be in front of the stage is when Lady Strangelove play. They’re from Adelaide, and they play an experimental style of psychedelic progressive rock dance, fusing influences ranging from early prog rock thru electronica; they fuse their material together to create one epic, adrenalised, atmospheric soundscape. Electric Ladyland.
Wow. DJ Mu-Gen. Primarily known as a DJ, he is also a producer, and in a band called The Inflatables who have an album out soon. Recently he won the Victorian leg of an Australian DJ Championship, and flew to Sydney for the final. In a bizarre fiasco, the venue controversially shut down the final before a winner could be decided, after one DJ got nude and started throwing out condoms. A new final couldn’t be arranged in time for the next leg in L.A., so the organisers sat down with the finalists and asked them who they thought should move forward and represent Australia. Who did they all pick? Mu-Gen. The cardinals pick the Pope. Holy smokes. Mu-Gen rocks the Sup.
Q: What is a Midnight Juggernaut?
A: That's a long story. Many centuries ago the priests of the society of Jesus, or the Jesuits as they're commonly known, developed a series of missions in the region of Paraguay. These settlements brought the Roman Catholic religion to the indigenous inhabitants via spiritual instruction, commercial endeavors, trade and regular midnight ceremonies known as Sodomatres. These ceremonies required Jesuit Tigrates to dress in lama fur and throw spears into the air. Where the spears land would mark the borders of consciousness.
"Like The Rapture with John Carpenter on keys, their pummeling space-disco is the perfect bridge between Bloc Party's indie elegies and a synapse-shredding Justice DJ set" - NME
Favourite new band: Midnight Juggernauts. Favourite songs of the Year: Midnight Juggernauts - Into The Galaxy- Pitchfork (chosen by Justice)
"listening to Midnight Juggernauts leaves you with dirty thoughts... dark and mischievous-sounding music fit for dingy nightclubs and even dingier bedrooms." - Fact Magazine UK
"A stunning record, Dystopia flows from one surreal track to the next, with the resonance of a film score that could have been produced in 1981 or somewhere in the distant future, giving it a sense of timelessness achieved by few." - Lifelounge
"Euphoric, Tangerine Dream cum The Psychedelic Furs cum Daft Punk synth-pop."
- Timeout UK
"If music this good keeps coming out of Australia, I'm just going to have to pack up and move there. This is getting nuts." - Big Stereo
"shimmering, majestic, synth-pop gem... Midnight Juggernauts as the likely successor to the indie-dance throne" - The Age
Little Red, Eddy Current Suppression Ring, The Gossip, The Black Lips, Gotye, Andrew WK Special Solo Performance, Cut Copy, Art Brut, Muscles, Clutch, Junior Reid, Ned Collette Band, Lady Strangelove, DJ MuGen, Midnight Juggernauts.
The Meredith Music Festival 2007.
At the Meredith Supernatural Amphitheatre, Meredith, Victoria.
December 14, 15 and 16.
Tickets on sale:
STORE ALLOCATION OPENS Monday 10 September (Polyester Fitzroy, Greville Prahran, Missing Link Melb CBD. Capricorn Leading Edge Geelong, Karova Lounge Ballarat and Swell Café Jan Juc).
ONLINE ALLOCATION OPENS Wednesday 12 September at
Tickets are $149.95pbf for a Regular Weekend Ticket, and an additional $34.95pbf for an optional Friday Entry Ticket.
Everything You Need To Know will be at